As Yogi Berra famously said, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” So with that caveat in mind, here are 5 predictions from the PlanForce team on what 2019 will hold for commercial architecture and design in the Twin Cities.
“I think retail will continue to evolve. Large-scale retail design will need to change to be less retail and more lifestyle. Large shopping center sites will splinter into some retail, some housing, some office, some services like restaurants and clubs. They will actually become more like their own neighborhood.”
Dave Clark Senior Design Consultant |
“I see a continued trend towards incorporating residential design principles into commercial interiors. This is sometimes called “resimercial” design. Examples include flexible workspaces, lounge furniture, warmer color palettes, more greenery, tactile and natural materials, and household accessories such as books and framed prints. The goal of this trend is to help create a calm and comfortable work environment, which feels more like home to employees. When done successfully, it can reduce stress, promote productivity, and enhance employee well-being.”
Elizabeth Lari, CID Interior Designer |
“2019 will see a continued interest in adaptive reuse architecture, as there is still a strong market for authentic spaces that have a story and the patina that accompanies them. While these are not often historically significant buildings (in architectural-speak), they can be very historically interesting and sought-after.”
Ryan Schroeder, AIA Partner |
“We’re seeing an increased interest in branded workspaces — for even the smallest of firms. No one wants a cookie-cutter white box anymore. Bland, default office spaces look like they could belong to anyone, and they suggest the company may be a bit of a ‘fly-by-night’ enterprise. Branded spaces, in contrast, indicate success, which improves client perceptions and employee recruitment efforts.”
Brock Ray Director of Marketing and Business Development |
“The experiment open office design will evolve dramatically in 2019. People used to think that to have an open office, all you needed to do is get rid of the walls. Not so. A successful open office takes much more thought. It will have some open spaces, but also some closed offices, conferencing areas, and team areas. In 2019, there will be a bigger emphasis on how people truly work — not just forcing people to sit across from each other in work benches.”
Weld Ransom, CID Managing Partner |
What do you see in the future of architecture and design for the Twin Cities? Drop us a note on Twitter or LinkedIn to share your predictions for 2019.